Bridget Haynes   ┃   Portfolio

Creator of Project Wild Skye

Animation, Illustration, Design, Writing and much more!

Welcome to the Failed Projects Graveyard!

Every artist starts millions of projects; most of them never make it past the stage of a vague abstract thought. Unfinished projects are the imagination's way of clearing out the cobwebs and waste to make room for the truly brilliant ideas to gestate and be born! But I think that these failures, and half-baked plans are a great way to get to know an artist. I like to wear my heart on my sleeves and my mistakes on my ass.

The Scrapped Version of the PWS Pilot

Project Wild Skye has been my passion project since February of 2022. It is still my passion to make this concept a reality. However, I was far too clueless and excited when I started, and I ended up with a short pilot that didn't really showcase what the story really was or where it could go. I am now working on rewriting the pilot at a two-episode premier and will be producing it through my very own production company.

Now You Know

Now You Know was a school project based on my experience in theater throughout my life. I chose to use my character costume, Pelt for this project because Pelt's mask was originally one that I wore on stage for my high school's production of Beauty and The Beast. The short monologue that I read in the video is taken from the script of Thorton Wilder's Our Town, a play that I was in during my freshman year of high school. The character that I played in Our Town was Simon Stimpson, a depressed alcoholic church choir director, who hangs himself sometime between acts 2 & 3 of the play. Simon's monologue takes place after his death, in the graveyard, showing his horrible outlook on life even years after being dead.

This project hit its end due to an issue with Adobe After Effects' Roto Brush tool. The Roto Brush is meant to cut a person out of their background, like greenscreen. However, the tool would not render correctly, and cut off the character's head, or left behind only their head, after hours and hours of trying and troubleshooting, I had to give up on finishing the project.

First Commissions Advert

When I first opened commissions, I made this ad and planned to upload it to my YouTube channel. I didn't like how it was turning out, and it never made it past the first edit.